Friday, January 30, 2009

Roasted Chicken Thighs and New Potatoes

I splurged by making myself a full dinner this evening. The entree was based on a recipe from the Washington Post this week, Mini Roasted Chicken. The recipe was based on a roasted chicken recipe, then adapted to call for a Cornish hen baked in a toaster oven. I re-adapted it for several chicken thighs. Pretty basic, really: marinate the chicken in a paste of parsley, garlic, olive oil, lemon zest, etc., then bake, and roast some garlic to go into a sauce. It turned out very well, though - I would definitely make this again.

I ended up using the regular oven instead of the toaster oven since my toaster oven wasn't big enough to hold both the chicken and the Sherry Potatoes I wanted to roast. Basically sliced potatoes with some dry sherry and butter poured over them, but it turned out to be some of those simple but very tasty recipes that are great to have in mind.

I boiled some baby carrots to round out the meal. Strangely enough, I don't think I've ever done that before. Nice to have some bright orange balancing the white, brown, and green on the plate.

The downside of a dinner with an entree and several sides is that there are tons of dishes to do. Eh, they'll wait until the morning.

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